Until The Cows Come Home

(Elation Press, 2016) a short chapbook focusing on memoiric accounts surrounding the author's pursuit and starting Hormone Replacement Therapy and navigating work and living as a trans person in the USA.

"'Until the Cows Come Home' dives headfirst into passion and sincerity, connecting Ginsberg's personal trauma to recent history, such as HB2 or the Pulse nightclub shooting. Cisgender readers would be wise to find a window into these experiences, especially by way of work which challenges the opinions of those likely to see themselves in some of the ultimately misguided characters in the poems. It seems inevitable that trans and queer work written in 2016 would intersect with these events, though they are occasions at which the book's magic is perhaps too transparent to the reader. But many are likely to find a mirror in this book: reflections on what it means to be young, trans, and anxious." 

 - Anthony Moll for City Paper


(Nostrovia! Press, 2017)

winner of the 2017 Nostrovia! Press 48 hour chapbook contest

""Loathe/Love/Lathe is a phenomenal book written by an even more magnificent poet. Aeon Ginsberg brings to every poem a rawness that only they are capable of bringing. Exploring topics such as bodies, gender, safety, and the self (whatever the "self" is), Ginsberg provides not only understanding but an honest gentleness that is so necessary. No other book of poetry that I have had the privilege of reading does justice to the lived realities of young queer Americans in the same way Loathe/Love/Lathe does. Having read this book a few times over now, each time being left without words yet with an intense desire to hold every person I've ever loved, I truly recommend this work."

​–Erin Taylor, writer  

"Ginsberg explores what makes a man or a woman, a human or a ghost, a life or a death. Anything can be changed, shaped by the mind into something else, something that many eyes don’t see or understand. Imagine a queer utopia, where the minority is flipped to the majority: “in the queer future cis people aren’t allowed to look at me unless they are using everyone’s correct pronouns.” What a drastic consequence, a simple wish. It should not be hard for people to learn how to address others. It should be as easy as learning your own name."

- Bethany Mary for Vagabond City


Noemi Press, 2020

Winner of the 2019 Noemi Press Poetry Prize. A memoir-in-verse about the links between movement and how it influences gender identity, perception, and performance, utilizing the bus terminal as a throughway to discuss transition. The book discusses issues that deal with safety, passing, rural and city queerness, police and prison abolition, and autonomy. GREYHOUND is one poem, routed in the authors life, that is the journey and the destination and how those two places are linked through the movement between each other. It is a book for outcasts, true-freaks, weird-o's, and forever and always anyone trans.

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